Bali Trip "Sun, Sea and Surf" - Day 5: The End!

After breakfast, Xuan and I went out to buy some Balinese dark chocolate and coffee at a minimart. I tried to find FHM magazine but couldn't see any. Btw if you're in Indonesia you must get your hands on one, the FHM girls there are damn hot and the magazine itself is so explicit! It would have been a great souvenir for my boyfriend. I also missed out on Bali postcards! Darn, should have bought 'em when I saw 'em cheap at Tanah Lot...
When we got back to the hotel, I was lazing at the lounge when suddenly I saw candles and cakes!!! My friends had planned a pre-birthday surprise for Chen Jie and I! Awww... that was so incredibly sweet! Thanks guys...!

The famous "Death by Chocolate" - recommended by the Leong twins
~.~ Bali Memories 2009 ~.~
It's been such a long time since I'd been for a vacation with my friends (the last one was Taiwan 2005) and I really, truly cherished this rare opportunity to get together especially since all of us started our work-life and they are based in KL while I am at Penang.
Special thanks to Chen Jie for preparing the fun-filled and ADVENTUROUS (上山下海) itinerary. And to Kak Waan for booking our lovely hotels!~
As we boarded the flight, some of us felt sad at the prospect of going back to continue facing the uncertainties at work, our 1BlackMalaysia, or simply just because our vacation, our day in paradise had ended; while some like me felt happy and relieved to be going home to recover from the heat, albeit a bit worried about passing through the heat sensors at the airport.
Dear friends, thanks for the memories. And may this Island of the Gods linger in our memories for a very, very long time to come.
Libelly: Thanks! Can consider go to Bali for a romantic getaway... but don't hike the volcano!!