Cameron Highlands revisited - Sg. Palas Boh Tea Plantation
My last trip to Cameron Highlands was more than a year ago, where my friends and I went to celebrate Pakatan Rakyat's victory after the March 8 general elections. That time coming down from Cameron, I was almost late for my bus back to Penang so I asked my parents to bring my stuff and meet me at the bus station. On their way there they saw this house... fell in love with it... and bought it! So, that was also the time we got a new family home... ^__^
This family trip was to celebrate my Mom's birthday (21st June) and Fathers' Day. Thanks Dad for all the planning and the free hotel stay!
After buying strawberries at one of the farms along the Simpang Pulai highway, we stopped at Sungai Palas Boh Tea Plantation for tea. The road into the tea plantation is extremely narrow and full of blind spots... scary... x_X

From the carpark, there's a walking trail through the tea bushes up to the tea center.

Nice place to take couple shots

Tea factory
