Day 1: Campus Couple (CC)
There's a small print on a stationery I bought which reads:
"Love Letter. Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity. Eternity can be the tick of a clock."
Weird sentence aside, I guess I understand the meaning within.
After two weeks of pure joy, he left today, back to his old life, and me back to mine. This morning when I entered the lab, my professor was in. He asked me, "Two weeks is too fast, right?"Yes, two weeks is too short, but looking back on the moments we spent together, every moment lasted an eternity. ♥
Finally, we can be CC (short for Campus Couple). Showed him around my university campus on his first day, to let him know how my life is like here. Visited my lab, said hello to my professor and labmates, saw the Pukyong-saurus, visited the university museum, etc etc.
Brought him to Paris Baguette on university street to eat patpingsu (Korean version of ais kacang). He loved the cream puff also!
The pendulum thingy in the spanking new university building.
Climbed up the winding staircase.
Examined the upside-down World Map.
And my first photo at the university fountain.
He said, this is a very beautiful campus. I'm so glad and feel more at ease with your life here now. :-)

Feasted on samgyupsal for dinner.
And for dessert, went to this lovely cafe where happily, there was not many people around that night and we got to occupy the small upper loft entirely to ourselves. ♥
♥ Loft Story ♥

View from the top, with comfy cushions and my favourite wrought iron xxx
Molten chocolate fondant xxx

Pure bliss xxx
"Love Letter. Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity. Eternity can be the tick of a clock."
Weird sentence aside, I guess I understand the meaning within.
After two weeks of pure joy, he left today, back to his old life, and me back to mine. This morning when I entered the lab, my professor was in. He asked me, "Two weeks is too fast, right?"Yes, two weeks is too short, but looking back on the moments we spent together, every moment lasted an eternity. ♥
Finally, we can be CC (short for Campus Couple). Showed him around my university campus on his first day, to let him know how my life is like here. Visited my lab, said hello to my professor and labmates, saw the Pukyong-saurus, visited the university museum, etc etc.
He said, this is a very beautiful campus. I'm so glad and feel more at ease with your life here now. :-)
And for dessert, went to this lovely cafe where happily, there was not many people around that night and we got to occupy the small upper loft entirely to ourselves. ♥
♥ Loft Story ♥