
趁着一个星期的 DeepaRaya 假期,赶紧带了芥茜表妹回怡保享受天伦之乐。

带表弟表妹们去了 Bukit Merah Laketown Resort,也顺便去了槟城吃 Asam Laksa!

自从开始“做工”之后,才体会到一个星期对做工人士来说是多么的宝贵。以前总是说:“Nicholas啊,你怎么酱 no life,放了工不会到酒吧泡吗,趁 happy hour 认识多点女生,或去做一些慈善事业,上上教堂,诳诳百货公司...”


现在我才明白!(Nicholas 讪讪在笑)

五点,就想着放工做什么;一到六点,就想飞向 One Utama;七点塞车塞到一半,却只想回家;八点吃饱饭洗完澡,就只想 “哒”在床上直睡觉。


虽然 ,training 期间在公司里没有什么做,每天打扮美美坐在 office 里除了偶尔 QC 一下公司的掌上型电脑/电话,接受上司的 order;就是玩 Yahoo game,再不然就是看 The Star, 上网找朋友聊天,写写 blog,再看看其他人的 blog... 呼!真是累!

就像有一次我说的:It is a challenge to act busy when in fact you are wasting time. 照实 acting busy 也是挺累人的。


Anyway, would you rather have tons of work to do, or have nothing to do? 你说说看吧 ;)


Anonymous said…
wah so nice... bring cousin to bkt merah for deeparaya.. hehe...
libelly said…
i rather busy than looks busy. no work means no job.
Xweing said…
weixuan, yalor, see your blog write so nice in chinese ma.. suddenly feel like changing to chinese :P

u know la me bilingual person ma.. wahahha..

but shall try to post in english more so that zul can read it ;) if not i shall keep on translating to him
Anonymous said…
I'm busy becoz I need to put extra effort to do things that I don't know it at all! huh... if like that then I rather have nothing to do... :P

btw xweing, your mandarin still as good woh. go penang never find me x(
KwongHong said…
玩 Yahoo game,再不然就是看 The Star, 上网找朋友聊天,写写 blog,再看看其他人的 blog... 呼!真是累!

--> My training life is similiar .. haha.. butthe stupid computer doesn't support yahoo games :(

if i choose i would rather have "something" to do :D
Anonymous said…
lu kong hamik, wa pu ci tao wor.
Anonymous said…
Act busy huh?
Act busy is very exhausting?

Huh! ask me about that!
Tell me about that!


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