Malaysia's Most Beautiful???

Put a group of women together in a room... and what you'll get is CHAOS.

Blatantly backstabbing and catfighting with each other till the last episode, we see Dilla clinching the title of Malaysia's Most Beautiful.

I wouldn't object to that decision made by Malaysian viewers, it was definately a pick for the lesser evil.

What with the confession made by Dilla that... "Jika Jessie ditakdir menjadi Malaysia's Most Beautiful, jika saya bunuh dia pun, guna pisau olok-olok muka dia pun, dia pun akan menang." And also saying that "I guess all the men would vote for Jessie, she's so voluptuous."

Spoken like a true queen indeed. I mean, all was well with that mosquito remark, which made her look cute and all, but did she HAVE to say those things!? Doesn't she know that everything she says will go on National TV? Or is she still too childish to even observe the simple fact that what she says is deadlier that the sword?

Like I said, this contest is just a pick for the LESSER EVIL. I'm just scared what guys will start to think of us girls from now on...

No comments about Jessie, who was at the bottom three almost every week.

I guess if someone who has a really true heart, good upbringing, and cameo-friendly were to join the contest, she would win Malaysia's Most Beautiful hands down. But there WAS such a girl. Jue! But why did she have to break the rules? Oh Tate, Tate, Tate... what were you doing in the preliminary rounds??? The Indian dancer girl wasn't too bad either, she was just sick!

I guess the contest has run away from what it called itself at the very beginning "To find a true Malaysian beauty in every aspect, no matter young, old, thin, fat..." Then why make it a beauty pageant at the end? Like Not to mention beauty pageants do NOT show the cat-fighting side... and judges and celebrities like Sheila Majid and Jaclyn Victor expose their not-too beautiful sides either... Well well well, we are women, so forgive us for that :P

It just seems so funny when Malaysia's Most Beautiful ends and I see the beautiful Marion Caunter come on the Quickie set.

And the Emcee for the night was TERRIBLE. What in his bowtie and tuxedo and all, he was practically confounded and shouting "Get down from the stage!!" In front of National TV! Goodness, this is really a first-class programme, but third-class management!

God knows whether there'll be a second season in the makings... but sure we're gonna miss Jessy~


Anonymous said…
都是一群心地醜陋的人。怎麽可以被稱爲"Most Beautiful"呢?
Anonymous said…
Surivor for malaysian females...

Indeed I missed Jue ... sob sob...
and WHY Dilla can made a come-back after being expelled?

This show made me worried... shit, if all the women on malaysia earth are like that... i rather get a doll...

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