Happy Birthday Baby Doggies!

好久没有 update 我的 blog 了,在今天狗年初十二,捎来了一个好消息,我的小狗生了!

听妈妈高兴地拨电来说,“小狗”生了三只小狗!\:D/ *高兴得手舞足蹈一番!

当然,在今天,“谁是经手人”这个谜底也揭开了,原来不是爸爸说的外婆家附近印度人的狗,而是“猪猪”!!!真的意想不到,平时也没看见我家“小狗”和“猪猪”腻在一起;但看在“猪猪”也是只“美男子”的份上,那就算了吧!嘻嘻... 那三舅一家人岂不是和我们成了“亲家”?哈哈哈!




libelly said…
erm... if u really don't know what name to give to them, suggest that you just shout out a name to see which name and who will response to u, then that is his/her name lo. that is how one of my friend name her doggie.
libelly said…
and the dog herself end up choosing the name "Ah Fook".
Anonymous said…
3 right?
call one joseph, one nicholas, and one ethan XD
Anonymous said…
one is Ken, one is Seng Keat or Jong and if so happen is a female ... we can go for Jace :P

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