Inside Intel!
Well hoorah! At last I'm in Intel... for the third day running. These days I couldn't online cos there's no network connection in Acresville and I hadn't got my PC at work yet, so I couldn't blog. Last night Nicholas reminded me to keep a record of all the 'paliah' things I did so you guys could get a good laugh... but not yet!! (And I hope not forever in my work history will I do any 'paliah' stuff... hehe!) Yeah, but I did jot down in my diary Day 1, Day 2...
Day 2
Too much UNIX can really give you Dilbert-like habits. Yesterday I was asking my colleague to sketch out a map for me on her white board and she put there "traffic_lights". Get it? Underscore, man!!
Day 1
Managed to drive safely to Intel, and I only "died fire" once. Hehe.. along the road from Sg. Ara there's not much jam and the traffic is quite smooth at one point, so it really takes only 20 mins from my door to Intel carpark.
Everything is really efficient and casual in the workplace. Just like MMU, everything can be done online, and I kinda thank MMU for reducing the tech-culture shock. Everyone else dresses casual here, just a simple t-shirt and jeans, and I can even come in sport shoes!! I had a buddy assigned to me, which is good cos she helps me to mingle better with the colleagues here and also teaches me about the workings of the company. In short, life is quite okay here. :)
Kahkhee came from Ipoh yesterday and put up at my place last night. She took me to TOWN (YES!!! I drove to Georgetown on Day2 of being a driver!) and we had dinner and tong sui afterwards. Then we went to USM 'The Wanderers' meeting place and back to Sg. Ara afterwards. I still can't believe I managed to drive that far... safely! Despite a bit of 'special circumstances' that occured.. (I made the wrong turn to the bus station at the roundabout and went to N-Park instead..), couldn't get my side-parking correct at USM.. well, all in all it was okay, and I bet anyone who knows my driving skills couldn't be more proud of me! Heh! And I managed to avoid all the notorious motorists as well! Thanks KK!!! *HUGZ*
Well now here's Day 1 and Day 2 of my starting days at Intel~
Day 2
Second day at Intel! I'm starting to think that if I continue driving like this, I might end up in an accident or getting scolded by a furious car owner. Sigh. I must remind myself to be more cautious and calm while driving, I must, I must!
Too much UNIX can really give you Dilbert-like habits. Yesterday I was asking my colleague to sketch out a map for me on her white board and she put there "traffic_lights". Get it? Underscore, man!!
Day 1
First day at Intel! Couldn't get a wink last night cos of all the panic attacks! First day of work, first day of DRIVING (I have VERY limited driving experiences, believe me..), plus I found out last minute that all my documents were not in order and I forgot to photostat my IC. Well luckily I got everything settled afterwards.
Managed to drive safely to Intel, and I only "died fire" once. Hehe.. along the road from Sg. Ara there's not much jam and the traffic is quite smooth at one point, so it really takes only 20 mins from my door to Intel carpark.
Everything is really efficient and casual in the workplace. Just like MMU, everything can be done online, and I kinda thank MMU for reducing the tech-culture shock. Everyone else dresses casual here, just a simple t-shirt and jeans, and I can even come in sport shoes!! I had a buddy assigned to me, which is good cos she helps me to mingle better with the colleagues here and also teaches me about the workings of the company. In short, life is quite okay here. :)
Yeah, Ipoh drivers not as garang as Penang drivers, from observation...