Easter Weekend
Patrick Leong in action
On Sunday morning, I attended the Easter service at Dewan Sri Pinang as usual with James, and managed to tag Leonard along as well. Hahaha. I was picturing a nice Easter celebration with Resurrection sketches and all but halfway through the worship it seemed like it was just a normal combined church service for Penang First AOG. Sorry Leonard, hahaha, but you did enjoy the Patrick Leong's renditions and the tambourine chicks :P We had lunch afterwards in a beautifully decorated little Taiwan restaurant in One-Stop and listened to James' interesting Biblical facts. This Easter, I couldn't really get the message the guest speaker at Penang First was preaching... so I bought the Easter copy of "Every Day with Jesus" at Salvation. Hope I'll understand more about the true meaning of Easter after reading this... a relationship with Christ. At night, after eating Kelly's delicious/ nutritious homecooked meal, we sped off to QB again to watch The Reaping. Talk about a Biblical Sunday... :P And I almost laughed my head off when Kelly and Leo got on stage for the weigh-but-only-accurate-gets-the-prize contest organized by Slimming Sanctuary. Well, you would have won hands down if it were only the weigh-the-lightest contest. :P
Leo and Kelly in action