Perfect First Date

"I'll whisk you away..." he whispered
I wondered, was it to that perfect dream come true

He took me to the Mansion down the street, by the sea
where the décor was perfection
and the theme was romanticism
a dozen mistletoes in a hauteur setting
and I couldn't stop gazing in awe

"10 roses? What does it mean?"
"Perfect 10 roses for the perfect woman..." he said
"But I'm not perfect", I said
"You're perfect for me..."

My feet sank, but he caught me in time
perfectly in time to lead me down the hall
through the open doors
past the jazz band playing
to our table of marinated chicken and fish
to sinful pieces of chocolate almond and walnut cakes dipped in milk
and to wonderful hours of endless conversation throughout the night

"Any reason for the date?" I asked
"I wanted to have time together with you, away from the people, away from the music, away from everything..."
"But that's not a reason..." I laughed
"Well, I just wanted to wine and dine you..."

Perfect time, perfect moment
Perfect setting, perfect feelings
Could this be perfect for me?

I just remember the way he whispered in my ear
"I'll whisk you away..."


pik lay said…
I could not believe you written all down.. so detail... very romantic..
Kevin said…
err...i just happen to pass by...and shoot...i really don't know anything... :P
Anonymous said…
*melted for no reason* weeee :D
Anonymous said…
Oh no! Someone is lost in Wonderland? I wonder...when will the summons be issued? :p

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