
追追赶赶高高低低 深呼吸然后与你执手相随
甜蜜中不再畏高 可这样跟你荡来荡去 无畏无惧

当生命似流连在摩天轮 幸福处随时吻到星空
惊栗之处仍能与你互拥 彷佛游戏之中忘掉轻重

东歪西倒忽高忽低 心惊与胆战去建立这亲厚关系
沿途就算意外脱轨 多得你陪我摇曳


libelly said…
nice pics! so sweet!

but next time ask him to hold the camera, else your face will looks bigger compare to his :P
Coketai said…
Women in LOVE!!! What to say....Everything is seem so beautiful!!! Keep it up!

KellYg@n said…
To Sexiest creature in this galaxy~~**

Happy Birthday to you!!~

Love you till the end of the world.Appreciate God to have brought this little angel into my world.. \(^-^)/
Anonymous said…
what a fitting song for u!!!


haha ;)
赛柏拉斯 said…

Xweing said…
libelly: Thx for the tip. Yup I'm practising it right now LOL.

coketai: Thx to my secret reader... I'm really in LOVE!

kellygan: Hehe... little angel it seems... ^_^

weixuan: Yup, I knew that someone would catch the 摇曳 part :D

egarim: Thx for your bday wish! And I need not 滚来滚去... hahaha

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