Life is a series of...
Life is a series of Repetitions. After the Election, we're back to the mundane life.
Time to pay your taxes, time to get your focal, time to wish the Mad-Hatters born in March a Happy Birthday. Life and the process of living it just happens again and again and again, year after year, week after week, day after day.
But with a few twists, done together with the one you love, life just starts anew.
Dine in a new place tonight - Teriyaki chicken, Takku Ice Cafe, Nagore Road
Attend a rock concert in the House of God - Juwita Suwito rocks, baby!!Check out a show house, lie on the furniture and pretend that it's all, all yours - Setia Pearl Island Show Village
Learn a new recipe - Female magazine, March 2008
Get a new (temporary) hairdo
effect of the GE?