Tiramisu for you

“Because I'll miss you.” 他说。


哭得小孩般害羞的是我; 但无法抑制,面对着即将的分离,胸中的感觉无法释怀。

给我一杯 tiramisu,把这份爱注入心里,甜腻一整年。


什么时候才能轮到我起飞, 飞到那宣扬民主自由的国度呢?

-The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf,星期四,他起飞前

P/S:可能有些朋友觉得腻了,想在这里对我说:“男朋友不在,那就找别的事情干啊。” 但我还有许多感觉想记载下来。最近太忙了,工作压力让我透不过气。我想把心底的话全都发泄出来。这是我发泄的唯一管道。就让我发泄吧。


家勤 said…
Coketai said…

Frankly speaking, I don't know, it depend how you see it. I have been there once every year for the past 6 years....I have different view but you got to be there to make your conclusion!! Do look at the good side, also look at the dark side!!

Xweing said…
Hahaha... maybe I watched too much Hollywood :P

Yea, many ppl have different views about everything. Recently I visited a website (forgot what) and the comments those Americans leave are so anti-China! Keep on saying China is communist... blabla...

Some ppl think China is bad, some think its their home, some like America some see a different side...

Well, I do hope to visit the U.S. someday so I can get a first-hand feel of what the country is truly like... not some version of a Hollywood romance.

Hope my dream will come true soon :-)
Xweing said…
*not some romanticized Hollywood version of America... I mean
Anonymous said…
emm...I know that feeling. =(..but...but....come to think about it...you both will be toegther for the rest of 40-50-60 years, so you must enjoy your freedom now!!=D
hANNiS said…
haih....I am counting the days too...2 months over....10 months to go...
This is also the first time I leave my gf so far and so long ler....

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