200 won 的意义

200 won,或是两百韩币,只相等于马币六十仙左右。


照韩国人的习俗,当一对情人度过第一百天纪念日,周围的朋友都要给他一百韩币当作一个祝福、第二百天纪念日,给他两百韩币、第三百天纪念日,给他三百韩币,以此类推... 直至结婚/分手为止。


韩国人工作、上研究所的时间太长了,星期一到星期五几乎都从早上十点工作到晚上十点,星期六也要做半天,哪来的时间拍拖?看过网上的一篇文章说,这里的人通常都搞办公室或校园恋情,因为每天见得最多的,就是同事或同学。韩国的通讯系统这么先进,也是因为大家要和情人,家人保持联系吧。平日没空见面,只好讲电话,看3G映像,玩Nateon(这是韩国人的instant messenger)...

所以这里的人,拍拖的时间都不长久。通常几个月过后就分手了。结果他们把一周年纪念日,改成“百日纪念日”来庆祝。还可以把纪念日 set 进电话里面的 mobile application “D-Day reminder”。真的很特别!

今天是26日,是我来到韩国满一个月的日子,也是和老公每个月的“拍拖纪念日”。还好我们已经结婚了,要不然朋友们就要每人给我 1000 韩币了。^^


libelly said…
RM3 still affordable...haha
JING said…
This is interesting. I heard that korean couples can't stay overnight at each other's place too, so they must go motel if they want to spend the night together. HA... i thought they are very open-minded after I watched the crazy korean movie (forgot the title) n yrs ago ^^"
Xweing said…
Jing, really? I din know they can't stay together.. haha.. cos maybe many of them are Christian..
nYnY_berrY said…
Xweing, faster gv me 100 won! Last sat is my 1 year anniverary with mr. smiley! XD
Xweing said…
@Berry, nah.. *drops 300 won in your palm* KAKAKA...
leonardlcy said…
hey how come only 1000 won for us? we paktoh for more than 10 months wat...
I didn't realise you actually left on our anniversary till now!
Xweing said…
What.. 3 years is about ten "100" days mar... so 10 x 100 won = 1,000 won lor.. ONLYYYYYYYY...
junny said…
hahaha.. this is special :) I like this type of story telling. If you have any more else, please share :D
Xweing said…
Yalor.. i oso realised ppl like this kind of short story more...

OK i try to post more on Koreans peculiar habits!! ^^

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