2020 Resolutions

It's already the second month into the year of 2020... guess I'm late to the party to write my resolutions!

Recent events have made me feel strongly that "Life is short." As I shared with a friend, my previous company gave me work-life balance but I still wasn't happy because the peer pressure was too much over there. My colleagues were so into material things and I felt so small compared to them. We should not take life as a race, to compare with others whose house is bigger, who has a more luxurious car, travelling to which exotic destination this year, whether or not children are going to international school, whose face is more glowing... etc. Such unhealthy competition only adds to misery, making one feel depressed and unworthy, when that should not be the case as there are so many more things worth cherishing in life... such as precious moments with family! So one of my NY Resolutions this year is to "Stop Comparing!" and "Reduce Time on Social Media!" I find nowadays around me, the most grounded people are the most successful ones.

Last year 2019 was not really a good year for me. Well at least I made a change in the 2nd half and things have been better since. My current job allows me to spend quality time with family whilst maintaining my sanity. Still, every now and then, I seem to can't control myself and I have outbursts... and my poor hubby receives the brunt of it. I really hate myself for it... I did make NY Resolution last year to stop being so mad all the time, but yet I couldn't control it. Hopefully I will be able to "Control My Temper" this year! At least hubby made a change to employ an hourly maid service to clean our house every now and then, so at least things are not spiraling out of control.

"Take Care of Yourself" is my key theme for this year 2020. While I was invited to a skincare product sharing session, I concluded that I won't be investing in it for the time being. I hope to give myself time to work on myself, my body and exercise for the time being. I wish to kickstart my exercise routine of running 3x20 mins each week and swimming x2 again. Hopefully I can reach my goal of feeling and being healthy and happy. :)

Other than physical self-improvement, my friend/ former mentor actually helped me set my goal for 2020, which is to get a promotion at work.. haha. Well, my career has been stagnant for a few years now, and I keep pushing it to the backseat, well, because I just don't want my expectations to turn into disappointment. Maybe I should put this as a long-term goal, that hopefully in 1 or 2 years I will get better at my work and get my promotion that is long delayed.
One more important goal is to help my kids to improve themselves. Since we as adults are already considered to be stable in life, the best I can give my kids is to be with them, guide them and steer them towards empowering themselves. I was surprised when I asked my daughter, "What do you think is Mama's favourite activity?" and she said "Playing with your kids?" I was so emotionally touched and happy when she said that because I feel that she notices and appreciates it! I never really liked playing with children but I pushed myself to try to spend quality time with my kids. For my elder daughter, continuously guiding her with homework and building her self-confidence and life skills is definitely key. As for the toddler, I'm sure he can manage for the time being cos he is an independent and smart boy. Haha.


 “Your mind is a great weapon, ” he insists. “Use it to create quietness, space from others, and a feeling of being in control.”

And now to bullet-point my NY Resolutions:

  • Love Myself - Wake up at 7.30am to do some stretching or spending time with myself.
  • Limit time on IG/ FB - Spend time on IG only to post stuff. Not browsing through countless pictures and stories. 
  • Control my temper - Hold my breath and tongue for 10 seconds to cool down before speaking.
  • Exercise: 
    • Running 3x20mins a week  
    • Swimming 2x a week
    • Badminton 2x a month
  • Focus at work - aim to complete tasks before day ends
  • Continue with Hayley's schedule:
    • Mon - playdate
    • Tues - 7.15pm piano class
    • Wed - my badminton
    • Thurs - 6.30pm ballet class
    • Fri - 7.45pm art class
    • Sunday School - 11am


A Bookaholic said…
How are you, my friend? Remember me? I was just going through some of my old posts and saw your comment. Decided to drop by to say hi! :D
Jee @ hookedonbookz.com

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