My Second Blood Donation!

Yesterday was my second time at a meaningful task -> donating blood to the Penang General Hospital blood bank.

I had the misfortune to be poked twice... on both arms! This is because after drawing almost half a bag of blood (view above pic) from my left arm... I'm guessing 100~150ml... the nurse suddenly told me that a blood clot had formed inside the blood bag and they couldn't use my blood in that bag anymore because if they were to transfuse it to a third party, the clot might enter his/her blood stream and clog up his veins. Bad.

"Jadi, beg ini tak boleh guna lagi ya..." (Sambil twisting the fat needle in my skin... *twist)
"Er... okay." (Looking at the nurse twisting the needle...)
"Nak buat tangan lain tak?" (Still twisting...)
"Oklah. Buat lah... (acting macho...)"

See... this is my left arm.

And this is my right. Would ya look at the size of that needle!

No kidding! After that I told everyone who looked at my arms that I'd bashed up a few guys during lunch.

This is my neighbour to my left, Jin Wen. Throughout the blood donating process, we kept taking photos of each other laying there... wahahahhaha.
That is my other neighbour, the chicky. He looks happily dead. "Don't walk towards the light!"

Btw, he is very unique because he's an AB type. How many AB type people do you see walking around, not to mention donating blood? Cos AB types are the selfish kind of blood... they can only donate to themselves but not to others.

And if you're wondering, I'm an O+. Yay! I'm a universal donor :)

And one fact worth mentioning here, all the SD girls are heroes... but the guys are wimps. The chicky's not from SD so he is excluded. Cos they scared of pain, so don't dare to donate blood wor... Wahahhahaha! *Photos laterz...


leonardlcy said…
Just to prove SD guys are NOT wimps, I'm gonna donate 3pm today....... >:|
I just hope I don't get the evil blur nurse with no sense of finding a vein to cucuk my hand again this time round... Or one that had just finish watching the movie "300" during lunch hour just now. Or to have my blood clot half way thru donating...
pik lay said…
I got donate also.. The nurse poked my left arm...
Jin Wen said…
Leo did went, the only one from SD I think. Still gals win :P
leonardlcy said…
Actually met Aan Chien also on the way to the PG Cafeteria. He + the gym gang also went for the donation. So SD guys = 2!
Xweing said…
OKlar oklar...

*places a wreath of flowers around your neck*


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