Detox Experience

Inspired by Kenny Sia's amazing 4kg weight loss after his 5-day-TruDtox-diet, I'm going to share my personal experience as a previous user of detoxification supplements.

"X-brand" Herbal Detox Tea

During my second year (Gamma) at university, I led an extremely unhealthy lifestyle from eating Cyberjaya food, late-night suppers, constantly sitting in front of the computer and not exercising. I felt so fat everyday and there were times which I felt like I was trudging (not walking) and lugging my heavy body around.

One day, I remarked to my friend that I needed to lose some weight. She immediately recommended me a herbal detox drink which she'd been using for quite some time. According to her, it was very effective for weight loss.

That night, I tried it out. I was actually feeling very curious as it was my first time drinking detox tea. I opened the teabag which was some Chinese brand, and dunked it in a cup of hot water. I remember I only took 1 big gulp of it because I didn't really like the taste. After waiting for 15 minutes -> half an hour, nothing happened. So I went to sleep, thinking that the tea wasn't very effective.

Halfway through the night, I felt an acute pain in my stomach. Rushing to the toilet, I spent one of the most torturous moments of my life on the toilet seat. The pain was excruciating! I was sweating like a woman in labour, lying and panting on the toilet floor, and all the while praying to God to help me get through this.

After the longest 20 minutes or so, I finally ended my turmoil in the toilet bowl. My whole world was spinning around me and I felt like just lying there on the toilet floor because I was so spent. However, I managed to put on my pants and fight the daze to make it from the toilet to my bed. Along that 10-step trip, I felt as though I was going to die. Later that night, I woke up for a second time to rush to the toilet again!

It was amazing what one sip of the tea could do. Luckily I didn't finish the whole cup! I guess my friend has a very high threshold of pain. Needless to say, I didn't dare take more from her!

NH Detoxlim Capsules

I guess the phrase "once bitten, twice shy" doesn't apply for me because not long after my bitter experience with the detox herbal tea, I once again braved myself to take detox supplement after being bombarded by the dozens of advertisements from TV, radio and posters.

NH Detoxlim boasts a natural formula for body-shaping by using all-natural herbal extracts. Most importantly, it gives no severe attack of diarrhea!

How amazing! It had to work, right? So I used it dilligently everyday. To say the truth it really didn't hurt as much as the herbal tea... but I didn't think it worked as it promised, because my weight remained the same!

Healthy Living and Eating

Now, after my bout with viral hepatitis, I'm refraining from simply taking any form of supplements unless prescribed by a doctor, lest I damage my liver any further.

Though I'm still fat, I try to lose weight by exercising regularly and eating healthily (homecooked food and fruits!). Though the weight loss is little and crazily slow (I've only managed to lose 1kg so far...) and it hurts a lot when people laugh and say that I'm fat, I don't care, because I'm not going to jeopardise my health just because of what some insensitive people say! Last but not least, I've found out that coming to love and accept the shape of your body, as well as choosing your clothes wisely helps a great deal too!


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